- Surgical removal of all or part of a lung. 肺切除术,肺部分切除术对整个或部分肺的外科手术切除
- Surgical removal of a kidney. 肾切除术对肾进行的切除手术
- Surgical removal of a nerve or part of a nerve. 神经切除神经或其一部分的外科节除手术
- Surgical removal of a part of the cornea. 角膜切除术对角膜的一部分进行的外科切除
- Surgical removal of a portion of the cranium. 颅骨切开术手术除取头颅骨的一部分
- Surgical removal of the posteriorarch of a vertebra. 椎板切除术切除脊椎后弓的手术。
- Surgical removal of a stone or stones from the urinary tract. 膀胱石切除术切除尿道中的结石的外科手术
- Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. 子宫切除术将子宫的全部或部分通过外科手术切除
- Surgical removal of the posterior arch of a vertebra. 椎板切除术切除脊椎后弓的手术
- Surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye. 虹膜切除术手术切除部分虹膜
- Surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder. 膀胱切除术全部或者部分膀胱的手术切除
- Cesarean section (or C-section):Surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision at or before full term. 剖腹产术:即在胎儿足月时或足月前经腹部切口自子宫剖取胎儿的手术。
- Surgical removal of all or part of the vagina. 阴道切开术阴道部分或全部移植的外科手术
- Surgical removal of all or part of the urethra. 尿道切除术切除尿道全部或部分的外科手术
- Surgical removal of part or all of the colon. 结肠切除部分或全部切除结肠的外科手术
- Cesarean section (or C-section): Surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision at or before full term. 剖腹产术:即在胎儿足月时或足月前经腹部切口自子宫剖取胎儿的手术。
- Surgical removal of all or part of a breast,sometimes including excision of the underlying pectoral muscles and regional lymph nodes,usually performed as a treatment for cancer. 乳房切除术,切除乳房或部分乳房的外科手术,包括位于下层的胸部肌肉和局部淋巴节,通常作为治疗乳腺癌而实施的手术。
- Surgical removal of the thyroid gland. 切除甲状腺的外科手术
- Surgical removal of all or part of a breast, sometimes including excision of the underlying pectoral muscles and regional lymph nodes, usually performed as a treatment for cancer. 乳房切除术切除乳房或部分乳房的外科手术,包括位于下层的胸部肌肉和局部淋巴节,通常作为治疗乳腺癌而实施的手术
- Surgical removal of one or both testes. 睾丸切除术切除一个或两个睾丸的外科手术